Thursday, September 10, 2020

And what did the Four Horsemen bring *you*, Timmy?

 The skies are ominously, nuclear-fallout-y orange today. It's creepy. I don't like it.

 I think that bright spot in the center might be the sun?

Anyway, I managed to forget all about you last week, what with my new, very hectic work schedule and getting ready to go visit my parents as a surprise for my mother's birthday, so...sorry about that. (Except kind of not because I doubt I had anything interesting to tell you about and I was kind of losing my mind a little.)

Here's an (edited) version of a text I sent to a pal today in response to her inquiry as to my wellbeing:

"[I'm not able to stay inside] 100%, but the time I spend outside is 'house-car', 'car-office', and reverse. I'm anxious and everything is out of control. Our hours got cut but I am SUPREMELY grateful that I still have a job, even though it's more job in less time because on of our team WAS let go. ... The sky today is giving me the wibblies, and did I mention that I'm anxious? Because ::gesticulates at international garbage fire with smaller but more on-fire national garbage fire:: I want to snuggle up on the couch and watch cartoons and eat garbage and could I also please have a hypoallergenic therapy puppy because--and stop me if I've told you this already--I'm anxious."

So yeah, that's where I am these days. I'm sure you're not in too different a spot, all things considered, though your air quality might be lucky duck...

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::does best ostrich impression::

So, I've been saying how everything is kind of a lot right now, right? I think I need to take a week or two off. I'm not in a good p...