Thursday, February 10, 2022

Minor Annoyances

I suppose this actually started with a minor annoyance. Fitting, really.

Each year, I exchange Christmas gifts with one of my friends over in England and her family. Last year, their original parcel to me...disappeared. I am convinced that a couple hundred years from now it will be discovered behind a sorting machine in some USPS depot somewhere and they'll put its contents in a museum. The replacement (which was unnecessary but very much appreciated) arrived with minimal fuss, and contained, among other delightful items, two books.

Two children's books.

Two children's books from a series of children's books of which I already own the first four.

Pretty sure we've covered my undying love of children's literature at some point, but if you missed that bit, just accept the fact that I was so freaking excited to get my hands on these books! The last time I was able to get my arse over to England the fourth one had just been released, so I'm a little behind. These are wonderful, clever rhyme-centric books based on a simple premise--which animals are supposed to sit on what? Frogs should sit on logs, right? Wrong. Frog has no interest in sitting on a log, so he goes on a crusade to re-rhyme everyone into sitting on other things that also happen to rhyme with their species. Or name. Or some variation thereof. And his suggestions are hilarious.

Which brings me to another minor annoyance. For a long time, these books weren't widely available outside of the UK. They are a bit more easily obtained now, but the versions you can readily buy in the US have been adjusted to the vernacular, which in my humble opinion completely ruins the whole book, but never mind. Being able to get my hands on the original UK versions of the two newest installments of the series made my little bibliophile heart go all a-quiver. 

Anyway, TL;DR, I got books that are hard to get, I was happy, the end.

I should also note that as much as I love these books, the comic book my five year old nephew drew for me was by far the best part of the package. ::heart eyes::

Here, in order, for any of you who care, are the books:

Oi Frog!

Oi Dog!

Oi Cat!

Oi Duck-Billed Platypus!

Oi Puppies!

Oi Aardvark!

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