Thursday, December 31, 2020

The fundamental things apply...

 We have completed another revolution. (Around the sun. No one actually busted out the guillotines. It was a near thing, but it never quite got there.)

So here we are. A new year ahead. A pretty terrible all-around year left behind. A calendar born of convention, meaning fuck all, really. Yes, I'm firmly in the Arthur Dent camp--I've never gotten the hang of Thursdays. But they keep happening, just like new years. They just keep showing up, expecting you to fill them.

It's an awful lot of responsibility, and if you ask me, I think it's a bit rude to have it thrust upon me by physics.

But at least this one's done with. There's no guarantee the next one will be any better, but we could all have done without the trainwreck that was 2020. It's amazing we've made it through at all, much less done anything of value, considering the circumstances. Ain't it funny how the human animal manages to persevere, even when the universe is calling vociferously for its retirement?

It did have some upsides. Some moments. It wasn't all bad. I started it with a nice trip with my parents to Cambria at the end of January. We had a delightful time. I started a new job in February, which has been a godsend in the mental health department. I'm challenged. I'm busy. I'm appreciated. What a concept! Of course, then March happened, and everything went to pot in a hurry. No more dance classes in a real dance studio. No more hanging out with friends. No more...well, it's not like I did much, but it was nice to do one or two things, you know?

March turned into April, which turned into May, and on and on... Some people got a COVID puppy. I got a COVID man-friend. It didn't last, but I think it gave us both something we needed at the time. I have no regrets. That, and a renewed interest in artistic pursuits, carried me in an enjoyable way into October, when for three glorious weeks I got dance classes in a real dance studio back. Alas, it was short-lived, and I was back in my living room again with my computer balanced on top of the rat cage trying not to kill myself dancing on concrete slab. Then the holidays came with their usual nonsense, and now here we are.

It feels like forever.

It feels like no time at all.

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::does best ostrich impression::

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