Thursday, December 23, 2021

Better, or just as nice?

We all know the old adage about it being better to give than to receive. We get it shoved down our throats when we're kids in an attempt to keep us from becoming present-crazed little shits. While I understand it's meant to present a certain enlightened point of view, I'm not sure it's accurate.

No, I'm not arguing the opposite. I think we can all agree that being a present-crazed little and/or big shit isn't cool.

I just think that there's equal joy to be had in both giving and receiving. I really, really like giving people presents. I like curating the gifts to their recipients and watching said recipients get excited when they see what I've given them. I'm doing a lot of giving now, obviously, since it's nearly Christmas. I had little somethings for all my Pleasant Hill dance friends, and took great joy in swanning 'round the place playing Christmas Fairy and handing out flower hair barrettes and bottles of wine (To the grown ups, not the small humans!) and the odd 'proper present' to people like my pal P.V. I passed around novelty soaps with silly names at the office because I knew we could all use a giggle. I find it especially gratifying when people get extra excited because they weren't expecting anything at all. And it's especially especially gratifying when you become The Coolest Grown-Up, and an eleven-year-old you've given a reversible plushie to goes out the dance studio door saying, "I'm going to tell everyone my best friend gave it to me!"

Be still, my beating heart! Right in the feels.

But the flip side is true, too. When someone has spent the time and brain cells to obtain something they think you'll enjoy...that's a lovely feeling. 

Even when the things in question are tea towels that you needed. And they're sweary. Or suggestive. Or possibly violent.

Thirty-three years of friendship means nothing is over the line. The line disappeared years ago. 💕

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