Thursday, October 15, 2020

Achievement Unlocked: Holidays

Welp, here we are again. It's two-ish weeks to Halloween, which means it's a little over a month until Thanksgiving, which means it's a little over two months until Christmas, which can only mean one thing:

It's time for me to start obsessing over my holiday responsibilities.

If you've been following along at home, you may remember that the holidays and I aren't exactly best buddies. I've gotten to the point in life where I really can't be bothered. It's holiday apathy, really. Please don't make me do things! I just want a vacation! Leave me alone for a few days, I'm begging you!

Sadly, no such luck this year. It's looking like I'll be spending at least a portion of the Thanksgiving weekend in the Carmel/Monterey area with my parents as a meet-in-the-middle sort of situation. I have no idea how exactly my Dearest Darlingest Daddy intends to pull this off, but he's a resourceful grownup and I'm sure he has a plan.

I'm still holding out hope for a quiet Christmas at home. No obligations. Just me, and my Christmas movies, and coffee in the morning and whatever sort of booze strikes my fancy in the evening. And too much fancy cheese, because who doesn't like fancy cheese? We shall see, we shall see.

It's looking like the annual carol-singing party will in fact somehow be a Zoom event this year! I'm excited for it to actually be happening, but it's going to be an interesting thing to try to pull off, no question.

I've got a goodly portion of my Christmas shopping already done, so now it's just the little bits and bobs that bring it all together, which this year includes--for the first time in a very long while--some handmade items.

You can imagine what my kitchen table looks like right now.

If you're imagining a mountain of craft supplies, you're correct.

"Wait, wait, wait. Christmas already? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?"

Well, yes, but since it's the holiday that's going to take up the most of my time, energy, and, let's face it, money, it's the one I think about the most. I'll likely give the ol' hedgehog onesie a second outing this year for Office Halloween. As I said above, Thanksgiving will be slightly unorthodox. There's not much thought I have to put into those two, y'know? But Christmas--and my Best Friend Since We Were Three's birthday--require me to actually make an effort, ew, so there you are.

All that aside, does anyone know the best way to get stubborn glue-glitter chunks out of carpet?

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::does best ostrich impression::

So, I've been saying how everything is kind of a lot right now, right? I think I need to take a week or two off. I'm not in a good p...